
An All-in-One Chat Solution to Propel Revenue and Streamline Support

Facilitate comprehensive customer journeys from the initial interaction to the final sale, cultivating stronger customer relationships to maximize customer lifetime value.

Impressive Results and Success Metrics

Experience a significant increase in lead quality by utilizing SanoFlow's targeted messaging and efficient customer engagement strategies.


More Qualified Leads

Maximize your sales potential by leveraging SanoFlow's powerful tools, leading to a 2X increase in conversions across various industries.


Increase in Conversions

Boost customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases with personalized messaging and seamless support, resulting in a 37% increase in repeat business.


Increase in Repeat Purchases

Smart Routing to Enhance Efficiency

Automate the routing of incoming messages to the appropriate team for quick and efficient responses. From product inquiries to logistical issues, ensure a seamless customer journey from start to finish.

Ignite Interest with Strategic Promotions

Car purchases are typically well-thought-out decisions. Speed up the decision-making process by pushing cross-channel promotions and following up directly in the customer’s inbox.

Put Your Sales on Autopilot

Trust is established quicker on messaging apps than on emails and phone calls. Remove obstacles and close deals effortlessly when you combine automotive chat with customer data, automation, and integrations.

Drive Customer Satisfaction with Smart Support

Communication fuels all customer relationships. Earn customer loyalty and increase the customer lifetime value with superior after-sales and support experiences.

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24/7 Support: FAQs, Agents, or Both

Offer round-the-clock support with automated FAQs, human agent access, or a combination of both

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Service Notifications: Reminders, Approvals, Pick-up Alerts

Automate service reminders, quickly approve extra work, and notify customers when cars are ready for pick up

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Customer Recognition: Context and Omnichannel Experience

Impress customers by recognizing them across all channels and always having their full context available

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Efficient Support Escalations: Smooth Issue Resolution

Enable smooth support escalations or step in if agents encounter issues

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Enhancing Support: Identifying and Improving Weaknesses

Identify and improve support weaknesses found in agents' chat records, NPS or CSAT ratings, and performance analytics

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Support: FAQs, Agents, or Both

Round-the-clock support with automated FAQs, human agent access, or a combination

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Service Notifications: Reminders, Approvals, Alerts

Automate reminders, quick approvals, and notify customers when ready for pick-up

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Customer Recognition: Context and Experience

Impress customers by recognizing them across channels and having their context

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Efficient Support Escalations: Smooth Resolution

Enable smooth support escalations and resolve issues effectively

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Enhancing Support: Identify and Improve Weaknesses

Improve support weaknesses found in agents' records and performance analytics

Experience Sanoflow's
Power Today

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